Conjure Animals 5e Broken

Concentration up to 1-hour Ritual.
Conjure animals 5e broken. It has far enough drawbacks to make it reasonable even if its powerful. This allows them to take a move action hide disengage as a bonus action after their attack. Choose one of the following options as the appearing creature.
Concentration up to 1 hour. Blink dogs boggles vgtm pixies andor sprites. Note however that the warded creature ie.
Let me explain my belligerence a bit. It allows the shaman to summon one cr 2 two cr 1 four cr 12 or eight cr 14 reptiles. As always lets read the spells text.
All creatures summoned each time are regarded as a group. Each beast is regarded as a fine creature at the same time and disappears when the health drops to 0 or when the spell ends. Conjure Animals 5e TableHowever if you prefer to choose your animals try to choose the simple creatures.
Conjure Fey 5e Level. In fact as well see it comes with a built-in hitch that can have just the opposite effect. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions.
You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. Concentration up to 1 hour. One beast of challenge rating 2 or lower.